
Do you like pizza? I certainly do!

However, more often than not, we would classify pizza as junk food. But what if I tell you, just by changing one ingredient, pizza can be consumed guilt-free too?

I still remember my New Year resolution for 2018 - to get a 6-pack abs. To my surprise, I manage to achieve it by June, much sooner than anticipated. How did I do it? The answer is simple: diet.

After achieving my goal, I felt the need to share this information to as many people as possible! I want to motivate and educate people to become healthier and fitter. You might not want a shredded body, perhaps you just want to feel energetic, that’s OK too! It would be my delight to share my process, and maybe you can pick up a thing or two along the way

My 2018 New Year Resolution

My 2018 New Year Resolution


As a public speaker, I am able to share:

  • What I ate to lose weight.

  • Which fast food is less sinful.

  • How you can turn your body into a fat burning machine.

  • The best exercise for weight loss - achieve the most in the shortest amount of time.

  • How to eat what you love and still lose weight.

Here are some feedback from past audience:

"Now we know where to go if we have craving for fast food!"

"The seminar helped us to reflect on our own health and fitness regime"

"It is so easy to follow, now I am motivated!"


I want to reach out to those who want to lose weight and could potentially benefit from my sharing. It would be my delight to speak at your event, conference, or workshop. Please fill in the form below and I will contact you within 48 hours.

A healthier tomorrow starts today